A revolution in RIP-ology.
Xitron is the authorized provider of RIP upgrades for owners of RTI-RIPs, Compose Express RIPs, ECRM RIPMate, Presstek, Highwater Designs Torrent RIPs, Graphics Integration RIPs, and Xitron Navigator RIPs.
Xitron’s Navigator Harlequin RIP is a best-in-class implementation of Hybrid Software Group’s Harlequin RIP technology. Providing prepress environments with fast, predictable, and reliable interpretation of PostScript, PDF, and EPS format files, Navigator is the most trusted name in RIP architecture – with over 35,000 installations worldwide.
Building on this successful foundation, Navigator Workflow adds cross-platform functionality and user control from any Mac or PC workstation on the network. Protracted scalability enhances performance while maintaining the overall low cost of ownership.
Xitron is currently shipping Navigator Harelquin RIP v13 and Workflow v8.4.

Harlequin RIP v13
Workflow v8.4
If you aren't running a current RIP version, you aren't ready for PDF 2.0. This means that you are in danger of incorrect file interpretation when you submit jobs for final output to computer-to-plate engines, imagesetters, screen printing
systems, flexo CTP engines, and more.
We haveve installed over 35,000 RIPs worldwide. We're experts in both Harlequin and Adobe platforms and we can recommend the right configuration for the type of work you do. Tell us what kind of RIP you have and we can get you to the latest version almost overnight.
Just need additional functionality in your existing RIP? No problem. Trapping, CIP3, Stochastic Screening, Rater PDF Output; they're all available and can usually be enabled through a simple code over Team Viewer.
We recruit and hire experienced prepress production people just like you. Having passed qualification training and testing, they're available to help you with operational questions and troubleshooting that keep your department feeding the pressroom.